Annual publication about 100 years of volunteer theater in Slovakia, focused on the history of the competitive show Scénická Žatva. Both the layout and the typography of the form reflect the focus on volunteer theater. The basic Arial Narrow font is chosen to underline the popularity. Completed with a distinctive, but freely available Basteleur font, where the letter "O" has been replaced by the current logo of Scénická Žatva. The material solution also responds to the element of folkliness – unfinished binding, raw cardboard on the cover, and ordinary paper inside. Layouting into a single block into which other content elements slide somewhat clumsily supports this "bottom-up" concept.
The content was divided editorially into the period from the beginnings to the normalization years and from there to the present. The color reflects this concept. The first, black and white period, is highlighted in neon orange. It forms an accent against black and white materials. In the next period, it also uses color photographs and materials, replacing orange with violet-pink. Thanks to this, the publication is easy to navigate even from the outside.
client Národné osvetové centrum
typefaces Arial, Basteleur
paper Munken Print
print Tiskárna Helbich
promo photo © Nora & Jakub Čaprnka
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