The joint-stock company of Bratislava solves the needs of restoration and maintenance of public lighting and operates the metropolitan optical network but also provides services in the field of electromobility charging stations. The basis of an identity concept is based on the principle of light LEDs as a sustainable lighting system. A Diode grid is applied across all graphics outputs. The identity thereby creates a uniform and noninterchangable character, offering simple and modular composition in applications, similar to the principle of LED strips. Screens and typography follow each other thanks to a simple grid. The logo itself, thanks to the chosen font with light traps, develops this LED principle further. It is designed quite variably so that it can be continuously supplemented with new types of information.
Systém svetelného gridu sprehľadňuje prácu, zviditelňuje spoločnosť a robí ju v prostredí mesta nezameniteľnou a dôveryhodnou. Tým, že spoločnosť a jej pracovníci musia byť kvôli bezpečnosti pri opravách viditeľní, využíva fluorescentnosť farieb, vychádzajúc z typických materiálov pre označenia v teréne. Technické siete Bratislava, a. s. sú žiarivé, reflexné, modulárne a súčasné.
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